Run 3 miles (33 min) + Cycle 5 mile (13 min) + Bodyrock
I think I came late to the bodyrock February 30 Day Challenge party...especially since it's March. I wanted to do it though so I decided to give it a go. I started off with Day 1 Week 1: Fit Test #1 which had us do 8 exercises in intervals of 50 seconds work and 10 seconds rest. My results were:
Squat Jumps: 18
Push Ups: 21 (10 on toes, 11 on knees)
Burpees: 10
High Knees: 69
Switch Lunges: 9
Tuck Jumps: 14
Tricep dips: 18
Straight abs: 25
So I haven't been THAT much of a lazy bum since moving back after college. I have been using my Garmin to take walks with my sister but today was my first actual run in what felt like FOREVER. Unfortunately, it was colder than I thought it was so my throat started to hurt really bad every time I would breathe in (has anyone else ever had this happen to them?) so I had to stop mid-run. Since my job is basically 8 hours of me being on the phone I couldn't afford to lose my voice...that's why I stopped.
Dinner for tonight was DELICIOUS!
Lettuce, hummus, avocado, carrots, mushrooms, and some chicken. Yumm!
We can only go up from here! Looking forward to doing some more tomorrow!