Okay, I am such a fatty! I haven't worked out in...2 weeks?! For real. I wish I had a better excuse but really I don't. That in mind, here goes my excuse conga line:
Spring break from my college + visiting law school in Boston + being lazy = no workouts
However, walked 4 miles around Boston :) so I guess that kind of counts! And whyyy was I in Boston?? Well, to go for a tour around another law school I was accepted to! 
It was so awesome, the building was clean (and the city, shockingly) and it is in an amazing location. It's not even 5 blocks from South Station (train station we got in at), across the street from the school is a Dunkin Donuts, Starbucks, PF Changs, bank, etc, up the street is a few more places to eat, and down the block is the Boston Commons. It is so cool and I got really excited for what's coming up next August. I can't wait to start law school! I still haven't made my mind up though since it's a huuuuge decision and will put me $$$$$$ in debt. Right now it's between New England Law|Boston, Widener Law, and Albany Law. Still pulling for Akron Law but we'll see. The picture above was taken from the balcony at the hotel we stayed at. How convenient is that? A hotel right across the street from the law school. I know. What do they always say? Location location location?
Oh yeah, and while I was there..my dad and I had a drink at Cheers!
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