April 30, 2012

WOD + Anniversary Spot

Run 3 miles (35:05 minutes) 
+ POP Pilates: Tricep Toner
Tricep Dips with Leg Extension
Tricep Pumps
Tricep Pushups with Leg Extension
Tricep Pushup Holds
Diamond Pushups from the Knees
Tricep Dips with Straight Legs
Tricep Dips with Leg Extension
Tricep Dips with Bent Legs
Slow Tricep Dips with Straight Legs

+ random abs routine of the day
(11 V-Ups +20 Crunches + 14 Side Bends + 13 Side Jackknifes + 15 Oblique V-Ups) (X2)

So I know I mentioned last Thursday being my two year anniversary with my adorable bodyfriend :) This photo is where we officially became a couple! It's at an overlook by my school and we went off the path and found our own overlook. It was there, sitting on one of the cliffs near the edge, that he asked me to be his girlfriend. Thinking back on it now...it may have been a good thing I said yes! Jk. It's really not THAT close to the edge and, yes, it's totally safe to be there. He's been asking me every year on our anniversary to let him be my boyfriend still. Of course, I always say yes! I love him so much <3
Don't mind the picture behind it at the top. I always crop these in paint and I obviously didn't pay enough attention to the borders on this one.

This photo also has a second bit of usefulness too. This week is my last week of classes. After this, I endure a week of finals and Senior Weeeeeeek!!! So pretty much, this past weekend was the calm before the storm (so to speak it wasn't calm at all since it was TGIS and everyone was going wild) of finals week. I can't believe my college career is almost over. I'll never get this back, you know?

And how beautiful are these roses? I love my boyfriend so much =)

April 25, 2012

OOTD: Turquoise and Brown

Outfit of the day today :) Very simple but I still think it's cute!
Question: Why do I always look skinnier from the side?! 

Also, I love when I stumble across old gymnastics pictures on my computer. 
I'm in the center with the medal in the middle row :)
 That was one of my favorite competition leotards and medals. I added it to my collection =)

April 24, 2012

WOD + 2 Years With Le Boyfriend Today

Today's workout was a 35 minute youtube yoga session I found:
and then the daily random ab routine from randomabs.com
Also....2 years with my baby todayyy!! Happy anniversary my love!! I love you so much A  <3

April 23, 2012


This workout took A LOT longer than anticipated!! First was a 15 mile cycle (59:36 minutes)
Bodyrock "Just Can't Get Enough Workout" (18:22:51 minutes)
Random abs (20 russian twists + 30 s planks + 9 rollback + 6 corkscrew) X2

And since it was a crosstraining day I wore my new(ish) black and white NIKE sneakers! I bought them as a Christmas present for myself this past December and I LOVE THEM!

April 22, 2012

Weekly Recap

Monday: rest
Tuesday: rest
Wednesday: 2 mile run
Thursday: 10 mile cycle + bodyrock
Friday: 3 mi run + P90X Ab Ripper X
Saturday: Pup-e-palooza (no workout :( )
Sunday: 3 mi run + bodyrock

April 21, 2012


Roomie is the president of our college's K9 Club (basically a club for animal lovers) and today was their biggest event of the year: Pup-e-palooza! Of course, she ended up asking me to help out and, of course, I said yes. And by "helping out" she meant "carrying a bunch of T-shirt boxes and volunteering for demonstrations." My workout for today is complete: flights of stairs + heavy boxes. Anyway....

My favorite part of the day was definitely the search and rescue canine demonstration.
Sarah volunteered for their missing person demonstration. She was with a group of people, left the group, then rejoined the group. The bloodhound had to go find her in the group after following the trail. The dog went and sat in front of her on that demonstration.
I volunteered to be the bad person in an ID demonstration. The bloodhound (who was so cute!) sniffed my wallet and then had to come ID me out of a line up of 6 people. Not gonna lie: the dog was all chill during Sarah's demonstration and then for me....
The dog was adorable though so I didn't mind being jumped on :)

April 20, 2012

WOD: Beach Volleyball for 2 Hours

My friends are OT majors and they were having a volleyball tournament today at 5:30. They needed 2 more players so Sarah and I played too. We mixed up the team and we still kicked some butt. Champs! 
This was everyone who ended up showing up for the OT event.

2 Miles in Under 20 Minutes!

Hey everyone! Another good day today! I ran 2 miles in 19:25 minutes!!!

Also, tonight was the last night of teaching ESL for me. At the end of the class everyone assembled together and one of the students handed me this!! It's my favorite color! It's a Burmese  shoulder bag that she had woven herself! 

Also, as I'm typing this I'm watching Revenge. It's finally new again!! 

Tomorrow I'm thinking 3 miles and then another bodyrock workout!

April 15, 2012

Day Recap + WOD + Writing Papers

Let me just tell you, I had the most awesome and productive day. Ever. I'm not even joking. For my American Sign Language class we were assigned a "deaf cultural experience." A friend of mine and I chose to go to the First Deaf Menonite church for a service to see how that would be. It was 8:30 in the morning :( Ugh! BUT I came back and kept myself awake and wrote the entire cultural experience paper that the professor wants. Yeah that's not due until May 2nd!! Can you say on the ball?? I also wrote my entire 6 page anthro cultural comparison paper. I think the professors got bit by the "cultural" bug. So yeah...finished that and that's not due until May 2nd either! Oh yeahhhh! 

Then my apartment-mate came back (she had gone home for a party) and we played a quick (30 minute) game of catch with her old softball stuff. I got her to come to the gym with me tonight!! I was so thrilled, I love working out with people (as long as they don't hold me back, haha!) 

As for food, it was not a horrible day. I had a Special K breakfast bar for breakfast on the way to the church, some salt and pepper potato chips and fries (I know, I'm just trying to finish the bag!) for a snack, and then a salad with artisan lettuce, buffalo chicken, chickpeas, tomatoes, egg, and balsamic vinaigrette dressing. Yummm.

Workout for today: cardio was 3.25 miles (37:34 minutes) and another Zuzana bodyrock workout called "Bang Bang" Workout. 
This workout was so brutal but I loved it. I was already sore today in the arms from yesterday's workout but  I know it's going to be evennn worrrse tomorrow! Fantastic! I'm a freak who loves being sore.

Ahhh, time for some sleep. I'm sooo tired and I have class early tomorrow.

April 14, 2012

WOD + Dinner

Lettuce, chickpeas, chicken, tomatoes, egg, and balsamic vinaigrette dressing! It was seriously so yummy! Also, water of course and 1/2 cup apple sauce! Yummmmms! 
As for the workout for today: I did 2 miles on the treadmill. Half way through I accidentally hit "stop" while reaching for my water bottle! UGH! That stunk. I had to start over again AND I lost my stats (time, calories burned etc). At least I knew how much distance I had though!

Also, I completed a modified Zuzana Bodyrock workout called "365 Rep Belly Blaster." I don't have the equipment she does so I didn't do anything with the sandbag or any of the seated pullups. I shortened it to 30 lunges, 30 squats, 30 pushup knee taps, 15 one-arm pushups (killer by the way!) I'm sure I'll be sore tomorrow!

 :) What's great day! Now I'm going to eat my dinner, skype with my baby, and watch Aladdin.

April 13, 2012

37 Days Until I Graduate College

That's right! I will have a BA...bachelor's degree boys and girls! Finals are May 7th to May 11th (my birthday!!). Senior week runs from May 13th to the 17th and then I graduate May 19th!!! Ahhhhh so excited!!!

April 12, 2012


Workout of the day: 2.05 mile run in 25 minutes + 3 mile cycle in 11 minutes.

I'm soooo sore from Insanity's Fit Test yesterday. My little leggies are hating me a lot right now and I'm so glad I'm sitting down!!

April 11, 2012

Couch to 5K Program

If you google "Couch to 5K" you'll get a ton of responses. I found this workout schedule and I'm going to stick with it!
I skipped to week 5 because I thought that was the best one for the level I think I'm at :)


I tried my first Couch to 5k program run today. It went minutes 0-5 walk, minutes 5-10 run, minutes 10-13 walk, minutes 13-21 run, minutes 21-24 walk, minutes 24-29 run, and minutes 29-34 walk. I really enjoyed it and I hope this couch to 5k program works! I've heard good things from people and I'm excited to work on my speed/distance. Then I did the fit test for Insanity! I'll post my results in a bit. 
Insanity Fit Test #1:
Exercise - Reps
Kick splits - 64
? - 36
Right knees - 60
Tuck Jumps - 29
Squat around the worlds - 5 (I know, haha)
Burpees - 7
Pushup jacks - 12
? - 35

*I changed and forgot some of the names BUT if you go in order with the fitness test the exercises are in order

April 06, 2012


Yesterday was a 2 mile walk with my older sister. Home for Easter

April 02, 2012

WOD: Running + Abs

Today's workout was a 2.60 mile run (28 minutes) and my awesome ab workout I made up (25 crunches, rollovers, lemon squeezers, Vups, butt lifts, switch legs, oblique crunches, rowers, and toe touches). Fantastic!! Now, making some brownies for S's birthdayyy!

This song has to be one of my favorite workout tunes:
wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle yeah
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