July 26, 2018

Post-Vacation Running

 After our trip to Las Vegas celebrating my brother's birthday it is time for a bit of a detox from all the good food. I've never been a runner but I do enjoy stepping out for a few miles every now and again so I'm trying to get back into running. Even if you're a really slow runner (like me) you can't be beat being outside. It's a great opportunity to escape your stress, let your mind wander, and just take in the fresh air. The endorphin kick after a run isn't bad either!

There is a trail near my office that circles around a river and I thought it would be a great place to start a run. But that meant bringing my changes of clothes to the office. Getting changed at work is so weird so I made sure to use the first floor bathroom and duck out the back after I was done. Going from professional attire to spandex is quite the change! And my boss doesn't need to see these thunder thighs! Lol

The trail is paved and fairly popular since there are apartments and restaurants along the river. It's a little over 4 miles and it has some pretty views.
I even saw a crew team practicing on the river.

I ended up doing 4.04 miles in just under an hour according to my running app. I mixed jogging and walking and enjoyed moving my body. I also stopped for some photos so it slowed me down a little too.

I scratched out the location because you know...online privacy is important (even if you do share your life on the internet like me).

Do you go for outdoor runs/walks? How do you stay active?


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