October 18, 2019

Visit to the Olympic Museum in Lausanne, Switzerland

We stopped in Geneva and visited the Olympic Museum during our trip through Switzerland this past fall. I did gymnastics for years and have always been a huge fan of the Olympics when it comes around every two years. There's something so enjoyable about all the sports and getting to know about the athletes. So our time in the Olympic museum was really fun.
They had the most amazing display of all the Olympic torches used dating back decades.
Did you know that once the Olympic torch is lit it remains lit throughout the duration of its journey to the opening ceremony. That means even on planes and boats as it travels from Greece to the host city.
This was the torch and safety vessel used for the Beijing Olympics.

The Olympic torch is initially lit in a traditional Greek ceremony using the sun's rays and a parabolic mirror like this.
They even had an exhibit for various olympic gear and costumes. It was cool to see the relay batons used in Sydney.
And  I saw Olympic gymnast, Kerri Strugg's leo!
And Olympic medals from all the games.
If you are interested in the Olympics and enjoy museums, then the Olympic Museum in Geneva is for you!

Do you watch the Olympics? What is your favorite sport?
If you could compete in the Olympics, what sport would you want to do?


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