Today I turn 33 and I'm not sure why but 33 sort of feels like I'm a "real" adult now. Maybe it's because in my early 20s I was still in law school. Then in my mid- and late-20s I was focused on building my career as a new attorney and felt I was still figuring things out and setting up my life. Then I turned 30 during the pandemic quarantine and everyone was trying to figure things out. Now that everything has become a post-pandemic normal I've been able to settle down a little and really see a stability in my life both personally and professionally. I no longer feel like I'm trying to figure things out but rather I feel like I know what is important to me and I am actively living the life I spent what feels like foreeeever setting up. Turning 33 feels comfortable and I welcome inching closer to my "mid-30s".
My plan for this year, as a now 33 year old, is to continue focusing on what makes me feel happy, confident, and fulfilled in life. Caring less about what other people may think of me. Avoiding the "comparison trap" I tend to find myself in. Focusing more on expressing myself clearly and respectfully. Letting go of toxic energy and welcoming good vibes.
More challenges - I am gearing up to start the 75 Hard Challenge. I think I have talked about it here on the blog before and I even went to start it at some point but I didn't take it seriously. I think now is the perfect time to go it another shot.
More consistency - I am going to try posting on a more regular schedule. I'm thinking twice per week with a bonus third post when I can swing it. I also want to increase my presence not only here on the blog but also on my instagram (follow me @CompletelyNikki if you don't already!).
Diversified posts - I want to bring more diversified content to CompletelyNikki. I have always loved to share my life here on the blog -- weekly recaps, travel blogs, events -- and that won't change but I want to add more content that will benefit a wider audience. There will still be plenty of life posts but I am going to try to add in more recipes, inspiration, and random posts. So maybe it'll be less me-me-me posts and more a touch of random posts. We'll see how it goes.
I'm looking forward to what is in store for 33 and continuing to share it here on the blog. Thanks for joining me.
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