July 26, 2020

Weekly Recap: More Puppy Photos, Food, and Pelothon

Another week down in this festering pile of suckitude that is 2020. I always try to look on the bright side of things but it's been getting harder and harder. I think the worst part is that it's now summer but due to covid we can't go anywhere. No beach, no parks, nowhere. We just sit inside. Luckily we have our little Bella to keep us entertained! She really is the best puppy.

As far as meals go, this week was all about easy, quick, and (relatively) healthy.

I try to keep breakfasts SUPER quick and easy because I get about 10 minutes to prep it before I start work. I get up, let the dog out for a quick walk, play fetch with one of her toys to tire her out, and then fix breakfast and go into my office. Usually she'll play with her toys for about 20 minutes and then she falls asleep..in the cutest variety of positions of course. But of course if I go into the kitchen she wakes right up. So I try to stay seated once she falls asleep.
My go to breakfast these days has been oatmeal with PB2 sprinkled over the top or a bagel thin with veggie cream cheese.

For lunch it's been very uninspired. I've been doing turkey wraps with clementines (by they way, clementines are my new obsession) or tuna and crackers.
And for dinner we've been doing a pretty standard protein+vegetable meal. We did a really delicious butter chicken with cauliflower rice and garlic naan, teriyaki beef with steamed vegetables, and a cauliflower pizza. We try to get two dinners out of every meal so we can cut down the amount of time we spend cooking every week. Not that we really have anything else to do these days.

And for workouts I've been getting back into my Peloton. I loved riding the bike and then we got our puppy and I rather play with the puppy instead! But now that the puppy is more used to us and comfortable in our house I try to squeeze in a ride every day.
I joined the #NoLimitLegion for the Pelothon challenge and it's been so fun following along with the challenges. The instructors on my team are Robin (of course), Aditi Shah, Andy Speer, Tunder Oyeneyin, and Hannah Corbin. So far we've only completed weeks 1 and 2, so we have two more weeks to go. I'm also enjoying our workouts because my brother-in-law started riding again (my sister has the bike but he hasn't used it much). It's really fun to ride together from the safety of our own homes.

I totally spaced and missed my monthly check in for July. Rather than do it now I'm just going to wait until August. My bad!

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