August 29, 2021

The Weekly Digest 8.29.21

Did this week fly by for you? It felt like it was Tuesday and then next thing we knew bam it was the end of the weekend. It was a mostly quiet week, with very little going on. 

After the vet fiasco of last weekend we ended up buying a small muzzle for Bella's follow up appointment. She is normally so good and obedient and yet she misbehaves at the vet which makes their job so much harder. During last week's rabies shot they prescribed her little doggie sedatives! Luckily, the combination of the sedatives and muzzle meant a successful vet visit and she is now up to date on all her shots. After her vet visit we just snuggled on the coach for a bit before I started working on my Disney cross stitch.

And speaking of Disney, I started running again this week because....registration for the Disney Princess Half Marathon went live on Thursday! 

I have checked out this race weekend every year for the past...4 years? With covid last year I was glad I didn't sign up and because we're still not out of the woods with Covid yet, I signed up for the virtual 5k and the Half Marathon with my sister! We're going to have to create our own running route since we can't travel to Florida for the real races but it should still be fun. I'm just excited to have a running buddy! I can't wait to share more about our "training" and the experience. A half marathon seems like such an amazing goal! I hope we can make it!

Now I'll have to re-tune my diet for running fuel. Lol. I learned I like cottage cheese this week. I enjoyed a small cottage cheese with berries for breakfast a few times this week.

cottage cheese with berries; food

I run hot and cold with berries. Sometimes I buy them back to back to back and can't seem to keep enough of them in my fridge. And other times I just don't reach for them. Right now I've been enjoying raspberries and blackberries.

In other food news, I finally found Flow water at my local Wegmans! I also tried some super weird (and admittedly NOT tasty) protein chips made out of chicken that were chicken and waffle flavored. Do you remember the Lays flavor contest from a few years ago? It kind of reminded me of those.

We also made lobster rolls to celebrate the quickly approaching end of summer. Can you believe we're at the end of summer already?!

1. Do you have any last minute summer plans?
2. What's the most wild flavored chips you have ever tried? 
3. Have you ever trained for a half marathon? Share all your tips!

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