June 20, 2013

Quick Update

Sorry to have been MIA for a while. As usual I have no excuse other than I'm lazy. But I have some exciting news: (1) spring 2013 grades came out and I did A-okay! so I'm still able to continue on with law school (YAY!). But that's not all! (2) my internship is going well...I got a judge to grant one of my motions!! My first real-world motion accepted and granted by a real-world judge! But that's not all! (3) Boyfriend graduated this past Saturday from his college/grad school. I include both because he was in one of those fancy schmancy programs that give you your bachelors degree AND your masters degree in less time. It usually would take 6ish years to get to a masters level but for boyfriend it only took 5 (and that was with co-op employment placements for experience and summers). Yeah, the boy works hard. And he's so darn intelligent!! (He graduated with a cumulative GPA of 4.0) I know. Who does that?! He's showing off and making us all look bad. I always knew he was smart but geeeeez, academic perfection. And he's so nonchalant about it. He just shrugs his shoulders and dodges it. Personally, I think on the inside he's jumping up and down like a  5 year old on Christmas morning. I know I would be.  
Happy news! :) My amazing boyfriend A graduated this past Saturday with his Master’s Degree! Finallllllly! He was in an accelerated program (one of those fancy programs where you go to school for 5 years and get both your Bachelor’s AND Master’s degrees at the same time rather than do 4 years for your Bachelors and 2 for you Master’s). He is the most hardworking and intelligent person I know…which was illustrated by him being invited to sit up on the stage as part of the “Stage Party" (again, fancy) because he graduated with a 4.0 GPA. WHO DOES THAT?! Honestly I’m not impressed. Just kidding!
Now a second to enjoy my hair in that picture.


June 06, 2013

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father’s Day! Spent the day canoeing with my Pops!
We're spending Father's Day on the lake. We don't use the canoes often but today we will!
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