September 06, 2013


In case anyone is still unaware, my older sister is engaged and will be getting married in 2015 (as blogged about so far here, here, and here). Well, I have been asked to be her "MOH"...Maid of Honor!! I'm so excited =) I had been campaigning pretty hard (just kidding) and she finally asked me when I was home over Labor Day weekend! Wahoo! She always does things in style so she had created a little package (the wrapping is the black and white sheet behind the blue glitter photo book) to ask me. The card asked me to be her Maid of Honor and then the other things were little goodies: a tiny bottle of champagne (which we'll pop next time she's over), a photo book filled with some preliminary wedding info, a beautiful book on Paris that she bought the day they got engaged in New York, and a nail polish (how perfect?!) in a shade she's considering for her bridesmaids gowns. Naturally, a manicure was in store!

Also, because you can't really see the polish in the picture (it looks a lot more blue than gray in the photo) here is a closer look:
See? Much less blue.
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