February 12, 2012

Weekly Recap: Workouts

Workout of today all finished: 4 mi in 42 minutes, random ab exercises (V-sits, planks, oblique crunches, etc), + stretching. I'm really working on my splits! 
My workouts this week went pretty well. I didn't bodyrock as much as I wanted but I'm definitely going to bring Zuzana back out this coming week. I've decided to list out my workouts for the upcoming week so I can try to keep track of my plans. I always try to plan a workout and then change it day of to something else. This week's workouts are:

Monday: run 2 miles + P90X ab ripper X + made-up ab routine
Tuesday: run 1.5 miles + bodyrock "Fast Burn Workout"
Wednesday: yoga + stretching
Thursday: run 2 miles + turbo fat blaster workout
Friday: run 2 miles + cycle 8 miles + ab workout
Saturday: active rest day
Sunday: run 4 miles + ab exercises + stretching

I hope I stick to these workouts! haha

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