Can you believe we are so close to 2023?
I seriously cannot comprehend that January is right around the corner. This is my favorite time of year not because the holidays -- yes they are obviously great -- but because we are about to head into a new year. I love a clean slate and starting a new year is a fresh start we get every 365 days. I don't subscribe to the "New Year New Me" (alright maybe I do a little) but I do think there are some great ways to reflect, reset, and reorient for your new year.
I won't preach morning meditations or daily journaling or any of the influencer-y things you'll see on Instagram. Behind this blog is a real person...not a perfect person. If you are like me, you don't have time to sit down with coffee every morning and do affirmations, meditations, and journaling. If you do that is amazing and you need to share your tips with me!
1. Create a Weekly Reset Plan
Every Sunday I try to distract myself from the Sunday Scaries by setting myself up for the week ahead. But if Sunday isn't the beginning of your week then feel free to switch it to the day that best suits you! By eliminating some of the things you would otherwise deal with throughout your week it helps set you up for success and less stress. And I always feel like I'm starting my week on a positive note because I feel accomplished.
Some things to include in your Weekly Reset Plan
- Laundry. I like to complete all the laundry and put the clothes away, tidy up the loose clutter throughout the house, and organize the open spaces (clear off the counters, tables, and those pesky items that seem to gravitate to sitting on the staircase).
- Meal plan. I don't actually meal prep but I do try to set up a plan for meals for the week. This helps avoid decision fatigue when you are hangry and just want food immediately following a long day at work. Trust me, I've been there.
- Review your upcoming week. Just to get a sense of what you have ahead of you that you might need to plan for. Do you have something for your kids? Something coming up at school? An important work event?
- Plan your workouts or gym time. I could do a whole post on this but I find I am more consistent if I lay out my workout plans at the start of the week. If I wait and do it day by day it's so much easier to blow it off or forget about it.
- Tidy up the clutter. Clear off your counters. Put away those random items laying on your table. Finally bring the stuff you sat on your steps last week that you then proceed to walk by every single day and ignore. No one else does that? Is it just me? Reset your space so you feel more at ease working within it when you start your week again.
- Catch up on phone calls. Have you been meaning to call your mom? Catch up with a friend? Maybe finalize a plan for the next weekend? Take the time to do it before you get swept up with the crazy week.
2. Add more mindfulness to your goals.
No, I didn't say meditation. What I mean is just a sense of intention. Are you taking actionable and purposeful steps toward your personal goals? Take stock of what your goals are for 2023 and then break them down into manageable, actionable progress points where you can achieve them little by little. Do you want to run a marathon? Break that down into smaller chunks like a 5k, 10k, half marathon. Do you want to "eat healthier"? Maybe start by eliminating excess sugar or unnecessary snacks from your day. Always remember, small changes are the building blocks for big impact.
3. Let it go.
Sorry to anyone I just made sing Let it Go in their mind. And even more sorry to those who didn't initially but now did after reading about it. The song will now be stuck in my head for the rest of the day I'm sure.
Don't carry into 2023 what is weighing you down now in 2022. If you can't change it or you don't want to change it, then accept it or drop it. You don't need to hold space for every single thing currently in your life. If it is not serving you anymore then just let it go and use that space and intention for something you want to manifest in 2023.
4. End strong. Start strong.
If you want to start now before we even get to 2023 then by all means do it! You don't have to wait until January 1 to revamp your life. If you want to make some moves now, then make those moves! The best way to ensure success in 2023 is to start now.
5. Set aside time for yourself.
I love having something exciting to look forward when the new year begins and for me that usually means travel. We always try to book our trip by the end of the year because it helps us go into the next year with a sense of excitement. If you don't have any travel plans right now, then just carve out some time for yourself. Take a staycation from work. Plan a weekend roadtrip with a buddy. Try the new restaurant that just opened. Visit a local town you've never been to. Maybe go to a spa or a movie. Just build in some time for yourself to fill your cup. What do they say? You can't pour from an empty cup?
I think this time of year is all about reflecting, reorienting, and resetting. Hopefully you found these tips helpful and I wish you all a happy, healthy, and fulfilling 2023! I can't wait to see what this year brings for us here on CompletelyNikki.
Share your thoughts:
1. What is one goal you have for 2023?
2. What was your favorite part of 2022?
3. If you had to choose three words to describe your experience in 2022, what would they be?
Talk to you next time!
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