January 06, 2021

New Year New You

I am absolutely one of those people who fall into the "new year, new me" obsession every January 1st. Don't get me wrong -- it's great to want to better yourself and improve on what you did the year before -- but each year like clockwork I start to get on the "I need to eat healthier, workout more, take better care of my body" bandwagon right around the time I start seeing those $1 dollar down $10 dollars a month Planet Fitness commercials. Of course eating healthy, working out, and taking care of yourself is awesome and should be a priority on everyone's mind but I feel like there's no perfect time to start and the start of the new year is just...a pit waiting for you to fall into. We get all wound up with brand new obligations or stress (did you just go through your pantry and toss all the "bad" foods? Or maybe you just signed up for three different workout apps you'll never use?) and we never really focus on simple tasks that we can actually do.

So 2021 is going to be different but I'm not saying New Year New Me this year. I have not made official resolutions but I will make challenges for myself that I will try to complete each month:

January will be my 31 Days of Self Care Challenge. Self care is when you do something in order to promote or improve your own physical, mental, or emotional wellbeing and too often people forget that self care is not a luxury but rather a necessary part of personal satisfaction and growth.  I challenge whoever wants to join me to focus on doing one thing each day in January that focuses in some way on self care. Maybe it's take an extra long bubble bath. Or maybe it's taking the time to do an at-home mani-pedi. Or a long overdue phone call (or Zoom) to talk to family. I am trying to incorporate 31 days of yoga. There are so many yoga videos out there on YouTube and I always want to dust off my yoga mat so I'm making this a priority for January.

Want to join me in a month by month challenge? Let me know in the comments what your monthly challenge will be if different than mine!

Happy New Year everyone!

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