June 11, 2022

Half Marathon Training Update + 3 Lessons I've Learned So Far

I have been an on and off again runner/jogger for years and this year my sister and I completed the Disney Princess 5K and started training for a Half Marathon. Technically the race day was in February but it was a virtual race and we wanted to train and do it in better weather so we are choosing on our "race day". At this point we're halfway through the training program and I wanted to share a quick update.

We're using Jeff Galloway's run/walk training guide and completing two half hour runs throughout the week and a long race on the weekend. We're also mixing in some cross training spin classes and strength classes.

We do the short runs on the treadmill and it's always fun to pick out the new classes for the week. The selection on the Peloton Tread is so good and we never get bored.

We're slowing working up the mileage for our long runs. This past week was 9.5 miles which was the farthest I have ever gone at one time in a run! To be fair there was a lot of walking throughout but I am really proud that we are sticking to the plan.

I think running outside is easier than running on the treadmill. It's easier to stay motivated because I can visibly see how far I've gone. 

For my birthday in May my husband gave me a fitbit as part of my birthday gift. My office is doing an office-versus-office step challenge and I needed a pedometer to catch my steps so it was the perfect gift. We also rented out a theater and saw Top Gun: Maverick, which was AMAZING. Anyway, the steps challenge lines up nicely with the half marathon training so I am making my office proud!

I was really excited my sister and I were able to do one of the recent runs together. She was in my neck of the woods for some bridesmaids gown shopping for her best friend's wedding in October so we met up after she was done. We ran around a local river park.

I caved and bought a hydration belt for the longer runs. This one has two smaller bottles on either side and I tried it out for the first time this past week. I filled one with water and one with Gatorade. It might take some getting used to but it was very comfortable. Or at least it was until I must not have closed one of the bottles tightly enough and had water spill onto the back of may shirt while running.

Three lessons I've learned thus far in Half Marathon Training:

1. Consistency is key

2. Slow is still progress.

3. Brooks is my absolute favorite running sneakers.


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